måndag 27 september 2010

Boredwalk Empire

I'm sure he's trying his best!

Excuse the "clever" pun, but after all the hype surrounding this new HBO original, I was really hoping for more than what was delivered.

After watching the first episode I did not really think much of it. Usually the first episode of shows like this (whatever you want to compare it to) are mostly about setting up the characters and the premise of the show, and getting a basic feel for what is going to happen, and that's fine. I am not saying that it's okay for first episodes of shows to be boring and uninteresting, but you should not expect too much.

The main problem however after watching the second episode is that it did not get any better. In fact they managed to slow it down even further. The second episode drudges along at a snails pace with lots of short scenes of different characters talking to each other about many different seemingly unrelated things. 
The word boring continuously comes to mind, and it's the most fitting in the scenes with the prohibition enforcer who speaks in a strained low monotonous voice and sort of embodies the entire show so far. I am guessing that they want that character to appear boring and stiff as a contrast to all the people who are still happy and having fun with their illegal booze, but there is a big difference between a boring character that is interesting or entertaining to watch and a character that is just plain boring.

Steve Buscemi is an excellent actor and has done many great and memorable roles, but I don't feel to sure about him being in a leading role. The character doesn't suit him, it's far too mellow and controlled, even though he does have his outbursts at times, at least in the first episode. I could easily see him becoming more of an omnipresent side character as the show goes along, letting other actors like Michael Pitt (James 'Jimmy' Darmody) or Stephen Graham (Al Capone) be the main focal point of the story.

It really shows that HBO has sunk a lot of money into this show. The sets and costumes and overall atmosphere is exceptional, I certainly cannot fault it in this department.

I do not harbor any ill will against the show and I hope it does well, but I think it is pretty apparent after having watched the first two episodes that this is likely not something that I will be interested in seeing any more of.

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